Me re-voilà pour une nouvelle page d'inspiration musicale.
Cette chronique sera en deux parties, l'une consacrée au groupe Nile, et l'autre à l'album "solo" du fondateur de Nile, Karl Sanders, dans laquelle je parlerais des Masques de Nyarlathotep.
Autant vous prévenir tout de suite, ça ne vas pas plaire à tout le monde. En effet Nile s'inscrit dans le "brutal death metal". C'est un style qui n'est pas facile d'accès et si vous n'êtes pas amateur de musique extrème, l'écoute de Nile aura de grande chances de vous faire saignez les oreilles, et vous aurez la sensation que votre cerveau essaye de se cacher dans un coin de votre boîte crânienne pour échapper au bruit. Oui, Nile c'est violent, très violent. Cependant ce groupe américain est à différencier d'autres groupes de brutal death comme Cannibal Corpse ou Aborted, car c'est une musique qui n'est pas frénétique. C'est très technique, très construit et très réfléchit.
Une autre chose à propos du groupe: ses membres et surtout son leader, Karl Sanders, sont passionnés par l'Égypte ancienne. L'Égypte est vraiment au cœur de leur musique, qui est empreinte d'une ambiance orientale, avec des passages atmosphériques très typés égyptiens. A noté que le compositeur est extrêmement calé en culture de l'Égypte ancienne, dans ses textes on peut trouver les processus de momification, les prières récitées pendant ce processus, l'explication des hiéroglyphe dans les tombes, etc.
Voilà, je pensais que ces précisions devaient être faites avant d'en venir au cœur du sujet: Lovecraft dans la musique.
L'auteur de Providence est présent dès le premier album intitulé Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka, qui évoque évidemment le Pharaon Noir. Les paroles de la deuxième piste, Barra Edinazzu, sont directement inspirées par le Necronomicon. De plus, la dernière piste, Beneath Eternal Oceans Of Sand, contient des paroles directement tirées de la nouvelle Je suis d'ailleurs.
Lovecraft revient trois album plus tard dans Annihilation Of The Wicked, et notamment dans la dernière piste: Von unaussprechlichten Kulten. Vous aurez évidemment noté l'influence directe du Mythe. A noter à propos de cette chanson que Karl Sanders a eu beaucoup de mal à convaincre ses fans qu'il ne possédait pas le manuscrit original du texte et que ce n'était qu'un travail inspiré de Lovecraft. Je ne résiste pas à l'envie de vous faire part de ce qui est écrit dans le livret de l'album à propos de ce titre, pour vous montrer le travail effectué par le groupe (paroles de la chanson et commentaires de l'auteur):
Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten
I Hath Dreamed Black and Grim, Desolate Visions
Of the Pre-Human Serpent Folk and Communed with Long-dead Reptiles.
Silently Watching Through the Ages in Cold, Curious Apathy.
The Unending Sorrows and Suffering of an Abysmal Humankind.
I Dare Not Again Surrender to the Deep Sleep Which Ever Beckons Me.
Lest I in Dread.
Shudder at the Nameless Things.
That May at this Very Moment.
Be Crawling and Lurking.
At the Slimy Edges of My Conciousness.
Slithering Forth from the Bowels of Their Infernal Pits.
Worshipping Their Ancient Stone Idols and Carving Their Own Detestable Likenesses On Subterranean Obelisks of Blood-soaked Granite.
I Await the Day When the Claws of Doom Shall Rise.
To Drag Down in Their Reeking Talons the Weary and Hopeless Remnants of a Jaded, Decayed, War-despairing Mankind.
Of a Day When the Earth Shall Open Wide and the Black, Bottomless, Yawning Abyss Engulfs the Arrogant Civilizations of Man.
Chthonic Retribution Shall Ascend.
Amidst Universal Pandemonium and Those Who Slither and Crawl Shall Rise Again Once More to Inherit the Earth.
[H.P. Lovecraft was one of the most influential authors or horror stories of the last century. The last few decades have seen Lovecraft's rise from a forgotten author of phantasmagoric pulp magazine fiction to a subject of serious academic study. (A second major biography has recently appeared.)
Lovecraft's influence on other writers in the horror genre has been significant. His writing is considered to be seminal, and it still exerts a powerful influence on artists and film makers. A distinctive feature of Lovecraft's ficton that sets it apart from that of many writers in the genre is his construction, as he wrote, of a "background of consistent and elaborate pseudo-myth". Thus, his invention of the ultimate grimoire - the Necronomicon - was an important part of his fictional modus operandi.
Lovecraft first referred to the Necronomicon in 1922 in his short story "The Hound". ("The Hound" was later collected in the volume Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, which was published by Arkham House in 1965.) He would refer to the Necronomicon in several other stories. A circle of writers who were friends and correspondents with Lovecraft also started referring to the Necronomicon in their horror tales, which in turn solidified its "existence". The fact that they would refer to the Necronomicon along with actual books dealing with witchcraft and demonology helped to sell the illusion. Inspired by Lovecraft's lead, this literary "circle" also invented arcane and "forbidden" texts: Clark Ashton Smith's The Book of Eibon, Robert E. Howard's Unaussprechlichen Kulten and Robert Bloch's Cultes de Goules and De Vermis Mysteriis were all forbidden books invented to add further depth to their spine-tingling tales of horror. The "Lovecraft Circle's" practice of inventing "forbidden books" is very well documented. Not only did they "invent" such books, they even went to great lengths to create bogus histories, which only added to the illusion of their existence.
Robert E. Howard first introduced Nameless Cults through his story "The Children of the Night" (1931). In 1932, Lovecraft came up with a German title for it - Ungenennte Heidenthume. Several of Lovecraft's correspondents balked at this unwieldy title. August Derleth came up with the title Unaussprechlichen Kulten, which stuck, despite the fact that this more literally means "Unpronounceable Cults": "Die Unaussprechlichen Kulten" or "Unaussprechliche Kulten" would be more correct. The reason for this debate amongst the circle of authors is clear - the German is technically incorrect. The adjective would end in -e for the indefinite plural, not an -n, to with: Unaussprechliche Kulte... If we wish to accept "Nameless Cults" as being the correct wording for an English translation, we would have to accept "Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten" as being the realm German title of the work. The addition of the "Von" also allows us to keep the -n ending (perhaps even more appropriate would have been "Die Namenlosen Kulte"). In any case, although Lovecraft doesn't mention this forbidden text any more than he does others, but he does give its publication "history" in the story "Out of the Aeons":
"... a glance at the hieroglyphs by any reader of von Junzt's horrible Nameless Cults would have established a linkage of unmistakable significance. At this period, however, the readers of that monstrous blasphemy were exceedingly few; copies having been incredible scarce in the interval between the suppression of the original Düsseldorf edition (1839) and of the Bridewell translation (1845) and the publication of the expurgates reprint by the Golden Goblin Press in 1909."
According to surviving correspondence from Robert Howard to Lovecraft:
"1839: Unaussprechlichen Kulten was published in Düsseldorf. Written by Friedrich von Junzt [read Necronomicon in Greek translation]. Von Junzt dies six months after returning from trip to Mongolia while working on second book. Less than a dozen copies exist of this edition. Von Junzt relates many stories of the survivals of cults worshipping pre-human entities or prehistoric gods, such as Ghatanothoa, Bran, and others. The principle obscurity of this book is in Von Junzt's use of the term "keys" - phrase used many times by him, in various relations, such as descriptions of the infamous Black Stone in Hungary and the legendary Temple of the Toad in Honduras."
Now, where all this dusty old literary shenanigans takes a more Nile-relevant turn of events... As I was working on this song "Unaussprechlichen Kulten" and driving myself nuts trying to figure out whether to stick with the original Lovecraft variant of the title or the more correct linguistic one, I got a call from Orion Landau (Relapse's resident graphics genius).
Orion, at the time was working on the cover for my "Saurian Meditation" side project. He contacted me for a quote that he could use for the CD layout relating to the album's theme. I was compelled to reply, "Oh, yeah sure" (as if there was some book on my shelf ready-made with authentic quotes concerning reptilian meditative states), but on the other end of the phone sat stark silence. In that pregnant moment of silence, a thunderbolt struck me, as I had, of course, been working on the Nile song gathering as much information that I could find on the much-vaunted "Unaussprechlichen Kulten". I laughed, and said, "What the heck. Sure, I'll send a quote over. No problem." So, with Lovecraftian invention, I fashioned a fictitious quote (from the fictitious Von Junzt) from his fictitious Unaussprechlichen Kulten.
It worked so well that I went ahead and blew it up into a full-blown song. After "Saurian Meditation" came out, I got a rash of e-mails wanting to know where they could obtain a copy of Unaussprechlichen Kulten, as they had, of course, been unable to locate any of the supposedly existing copies. Try as I might to convince these insistent folks of the truth, they were steadfast in the conviction that the quotes were indeed authentic. Although I denied owning any such book, in their minds I was merely lying to them. They thought I was keeping the dreaded, "legendary" tome to myself. One of them, an obviously bright and thoroughly versed literary student from East Germany (who I will respectfully name here only as "Torsten"), was adamant on the subject, as he had managed to find an empty catalog reference (with the volume long missing from a library shelf in Prague) to an unrelated work by a German author of the same period (Hamburg, 1837) with a very similar name, Frederick von Juntz. In my mind, this coincidence only underscores the incredible, timeless power of H.P. Lovecraft's works, and the ingenious way his fantastic stories continue to exert their mysterious, otherworldly power.]
Pour finir, le Mythe est présent dans le dernier album en date, Ithyphallic.
Le premier titre, What Can Be Safely Written, est dédié au Grand Cthulhu. Pour ne pas ralonger inutilement cette page, je vous livre les paroles ici .
Le second titre, As He Creates So He Destroys, est dédié à Azathoth. Les paroles sont disponibles ici .
Donc encore une fois, c'est une musique qui n'est pas facile d'accès, pour reprendre les paroles de Wef de ZOC radio "depuis que j'ai écouté Nile, tous les matins je mets des graviers dans ma machine à laver et ça me berce, je trouve ça doux". En tout cas, ne serait-ce que pour l'inspiration lovecraftienne très présente, ça vaut le coup, cependant je comprends tout à fait que ça puisse ne pas plaire.
J'en arrive à la deuxième partie de ma contribution, l'album de Karl Sanders, Saurian Meditation.
Dans cette album uniquement instrumental, le compositeur de Nile a gardé uniquement le côté atmosphérique et calme de Nile. L'ambiance est morbide, glauque à souhait, avec une présence importante d'instruments égyptiens. Ici, pas d'influence à H.P.L., cependant ce disque est absolument incontournable pour tout scénario se déroulant en Égypte, donc surtout pour le passage égyptien des Masques. En laissant tourner cette galette en musique de fond, vous êtes sûrs de créer autour de votre table une ambiance lourde, une tension sourde, avec des relents de bandelettes pas fraiches.
Je suis certain qu'à la première écoute vous serez conquis et que vous aurez envie d'emmener vos joueurs mourir au pays des pyramides.
Pour vous donnez un petit avant goût du type d'ambiance qui se distille tout au long de cet album, voici la tracklist:
1. Awaiting The Vultures
2. Of The Sleep Of Ishtar
3. Lurning The Doom Serpent
4. Contemplations Of The Endless Abyss
5. The Elder God Shrine
6. Temple Of Lunar Ascension
7. Dreaming Through The Eyes Of Serpents
8. Whence No Traveller Returns
9. The Forbidden Path Across The Chasm Of Self Realisation
10. Beckon The Sick Winds Of Pestilence
Pour conclure, je tiens à remercier ZOC radio et Mammuth pour sa chronique sur Nile qui m'a inspirée.
Je tiens également à signaler le gros travail des mecs de hplovecraft-fr pour leur travail de recensement de la présence du Mythe dans la musique, que l'on peut trouver ici.